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Charge Local Municipality Resolution Template

**This sample resolution language below can be modified for your community according to the needs and transportation priorities for your community. 


Whereas, the transportation sector accounted for 42% of carbon dioxide emissions in New Jersey in 2018 and is a contributing factor to air pollution and climate change, threatening the health of our citizens and the sustainability of our planet; and

Whereas, gasoline will continue to become a financial burden on everyday citizens and overall economic growth as fossil fuel prices increase from an escalating worldwide demand; and

Whereas, the transportation sector needs support, beyond state-offered rebates, to move toward adoption of plug-in electric vehicles (EVs) that reduce our dependence on foreign fuels and supports a healthy environment and economy; and

Whereas, electrification of cars, trucks and buses is needed in order to achieve deep reductions in carbon pollution, and the benefits grow over time as electricity generation in New Jersey gets cleaner; and

Whereas, New Jersey has a statewide municipal model ordinance that guides municipalities in the installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, providing minimum requirements and guidelines; and

Whereas, [MUNICIPALITY] is dedicated to being a leader in the use of clean energy, establishing policies and programs, such as the EV Rebate Program, that conserve energy, promote sustainability, and support New Jersey’s goal of 2,000,000 registered EVs by 2035;

Now, therefore, I, [NAME], declare [TITLE] of [MUNICIPALITY] a Charge Local City and pledge to develop an Electric Vehicle Action Plan over the next 18 months, including the goals and implementation strategies required to transition the local transportation sector to zero emissions vehicles. The EV Action Plan will include the following goals:

  • Transition the municipal fleet to zero emission vehicles 

  • Work to build access to EV charging stations on both public property and through partnerships with the private sector

  • Work with the community to transition all vehicles in [MUNICIPALITY] to zero emission vehicles


Case Study with the Morristown Parking Authority